Lead with Your Heart

(Re)connect to yourself, others, and the world around you.

Who is Heartfelt Therapies?

I have always been drawn to the healing arts. My name Evangeline Healy loosely translates into “bringing the good news of healing.” My heritage is rich with creatives, explorers, researchers, nurturers, and educators, who dedicated their time and energy to relieving suffering in this world. 

My path to becoming a healer includes a formal education in counseling psychology with a specialization in the expressive arts. Additionally, I am a student of several spiritual traditions from all parts of the world, and am drawn to magical, mystic, and transcendent experiences. In my therapeutic practice, I combine the creative healing traditions of our ancestors with modern psychology practices, seamlessly interweaving the intuitive and the analytical.

My therapeutic style is deeply informed by creative expression, including the use of sound, imagery, movement, improvisation, and storytelling. I hold a deep reverence for our animal counterparts, the natural world, and plant technologies. I strive to reconnect people with their innate animalism, with their wildness.

My style is also deeply rooted in playfulness and humor, because sometimes the best we can do is to laugh at the absurdity of our trauma. My family has always joked that I “march to the beat of my own drum.” I delight in helping other “salmon” figure out how to both be authentic and exist in community with others.

As a healer, I relate to the chameleon, becoming that which the soul needs, not necessarily what it wants. Over the years, I have taken many forms as I have walked alongside someone from the darkness to the light. 

When I sit with you, I am …

A Weaver of Dreams


A Keeper of Secrets


An Explorer of the Psyche


Teacher of Self-Care


A Channel


A Facilitator of Transcendence


A Container for Big Emotions


An Artist & Creator


A Storyteller


A Mirror


A Catalyst


Instigator of Mischief


Guide Through Uncertainty


A Tender of Inner Worlds


Compassionate Presence


Observer of Patterns


A Listener


An Adventurer


A Wanderer


A Proponent of Justice


A Weaver of Dreams 〰️ A Keeper of Secrets 〰️ An Explorer of the Psyche 〰️ Teacher of Self-Care 〰️ A Channel 〰️ A Facilitator of Transcendence 〰️ A Container for Big Emotions 〰️ An Artist & Creator 〰️ A Storyteller 〰️ A Mirror 〰️ A Catalyst 〰️ Instigator of Mischief 〰️ Guide Through Uncertainty 〰️ A Tender of Inner Worlds 〰️ Compassionate Presence 〰️ Observer of Patterns 〰️ A Listener 〰️ An Adventurer 〰️ A Wanderer 〰️ A Proponent of Justice 〰️

A Reminder of Natural Rhythms


A Metabolizer of Trauma


An Alchemist of Suffering


A Creator of Rituals


A Companion


A Mentor


An Advocate for the Body


A Translator of Sensations


An Oasis of Agape Love


A Guardian of Inner Children


Maker of Laughter


Diruptor of Self-Sabotage


A Tamer of Mind Squirrels


A Safe Place for Exiled Parts


A Peacemaker


A Reminder of Natural Rhythms 〰️ A Metabolizer of Trauma 〰️ An Alchemist of Suffering 〰️ A Creator of Rituals 〰️ A Companion 〰️ A Mentor 〰️ An Advocate for the Body 〰️ A Translator of Sensations 〰️ An Oasis of Agape Love 〰️ A Guardian of Inner Children 〰️ Maker of Laughter 〰️ Diruptor of Self-Sabotage 〰️ A Tamer of Mind Squirrels 〰️ A Safe Place for Exiled Parts 〰️ A Peacemaker 〰️



















Playful 〰️ Neuromagical 〰️ Candid 〰️ Embodied 〰️ Heartfelt 〰️ Creative 〰️ Messy 〰️ Imperfect 〰️ Human 〰️


  • I earned my Master’s in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), where I specialized in Expressive Arts Therapy. This unique program emphasized integrating creativity and the arts into the therapeutic process, allowing for deeper exploration and expression of emotions. My education at CIIS provided a holistic and integrative approach to healing, combining traditional psychological theories with innovative, art-based methods.

  • I received my undergraduate degree in Bio-Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). This program provided a strong foundation in understanding the biological underpinnings of human behavior, blending neuroscience with psychological principles. My studies at UCSB equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of how brain function, neurotransmitters, and physiology influence emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, enriching my therapeutic approach with a deep appreciation for the mind-body connection.

  • I am currently in the process of obtaining my EMDR certification at the Ruth Shapiro EMDR Institute. This rigorous training program focuses on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a powerful and evidence-based therapeutic approach for treating trauma and other emotional distress. Through this certification, I am deepening my expertise in helping clients process and heal from traumatic experiences, enhancing my ability to facilitate transformative healing.